Accuser in Chmura Sex Assault Trial Testifies

July 2024 ยท 2 minute read

W A U K E S H A, Wis., Jan. 30 -- The teenager accusing former Green BayPacker Mark Chmura of sexually assaulting her at a drunkenpost-prom party said today she disliked him because of the way hetreated his wife.

"I disapproved of the way he would just stick her with the kidsand come home separately hours later, it was just very disgustingto me," the 18-year-old, who had baby-sat Chmura's children, tolddefense attorney Gerald Boyle.

The girl also told Boyle she has talked with her friends whohave testified and has seen and heard newspaper, radio andtelevision accounts of the trial.

Boyle told Judge Mark Gempeler he favored moving for a mistrial,but Chmura asked him not to make the request. Waukesha CountyDistrict Attorney Paul Bucher said Gempeler didn't specificallyorder witnesses not to watch television.

"I believe it's just common sense in any exclusionary orderthey don't do that," Gempeler said.

Teen Says Chmura Made Flirtatious Comments

The teenager also testified she told others at the party Chmurawas "sick."

Boyle asked her why she deemed Chmura worthy of that status.Boyle has contended the teenager did not like Chmura and was lyingabout the incident.

The teenager said she disliked Chmura because he madesuggestive comments to her. She also testified she told anotherteen at the party she disliked Chmura because she heard he had achild with another baby-sitter.

Boyle asked the teenager if she felt bad about spreading arumor about Chmura when she didn't know if it was true.

"This was a rumor about someone I strongly disliked andstrongly disrespected, so I didn't care how the rumors spread,"she replied.

Chmura's accuser says Chmura pulled her into a bathroom, pulleddown her pants and had sex with her without her consent. Chmura,31, has pleaded innocent to third-degree sexual assault and childenticement charges, both felonies. He could face up to 40 years inprison and $20,000 in fines.

The teenager said today the first time she baby-sat forChmura's children, his wife paid her with a check.
